Program modifications to the ticket catalogue(April 19, 2018)
2018-04-23 13:51:00

Program updates and modifications to Jeonju IFF’s ticket catalogue have been made as below. (Apr 19th ver.)

1. Changes to Guest Visit (GV) Schedule

a) (M8)

p19, p121 - GV has been canceled on May 6th (Sun) 21:00 at MEGABOX Jeonju(Gaeksa) 8. (Code 372)

b) (JD)

p15, p97 - Stage greeting has been added on May 4th (Fri) 19:00 at Jeonju Dome. (Code 144)

2. Changes to Program Information

a) (World Cinemascape)

p21, p25, p103, p107 - English title has been changed. (Code 453, 607)

b) (Masters)

p16 - May 6th Screening time has been changed to 20:30. (Code 359)

c) (World Cinemascape)

p80 - Production Year has been changed to 2014.

d) (International Competition)

p14, p20, p26, p48 - Duration has been changed to 82 minutes. (Code 118, 460, 748)

e) (Special Focus: Regained Time of Raul Ruiz)

p 141 - Color spec has been changed to color/b&w. (Code 110, 251, 744)

f) (International Competition)

p50 - English title has been revised. (Code 134, 440, 702)

g) (Jeonju Cinema Project)

p18, p24, p30, p32, P65 - Duration has been changed to 100 minutes. (Code 345, 610, 922)

h) (Jeonju Cinema Project)

p18, p24, p30, p32, P65 - Duration has been changed to 98 minutes. (Code 326, 504, 933)

i) (Jeonju Cinema Project)

p16, p20, p22, p32, P65 - Duration has been changed to 85 minutes. (Code 213, 461, 533)

j) (Jeonju Cinema Project)

P67 - Duration has been changed to 109 minutes. (Code 131, 316, 912)

k) (Jeonju Cinema Project)

P18, P24, P31, P32, P67 - Duration has been changed to 97 minutes. (Code 322, 646, 908)

3. Changes to Program Events

a) (Frontline Class)

p147 - Theater has been changed: MEGABOX Jeonju(Gaeksa)10 >>> CGV Jeonjugosa 1

b) (Frontline Class)

p147 - Theater has been changed: CGV Jeonjugosa 8 >>> MEGABOX Jeonju(Gaeksa) 8

c) (Forum) ‘The History of the Film Disney had Changed’

p153 - Guest added: JANG Byunhwon(Jeonju IFF Programmer)

d) (Frontline Class) , ,

p147 - Date has revised: May 4 (Sat) >>>> May 4 (Fri)

e) (Frontline Class) ,

p148 - Date has been revised: May 5(Sun) >>>> May 5(Sat)

f) (Talk Class)

p151 - Guest added: (Actor) SEO Hyunjin